Look for the Citi Centre to transform Miami and the pedestrian experience
Every single day a large swath of Miamians drive, dine, party and do business in Brickell Yet there is one puzzle piece missing that will conclude Brickell’s transformation to becoming a complete destination in Miami – an enormous shopping center.
Brickell and Miami as a whole is on the verge of taking a giant leap towards the transformation of becoming a true urban city. Miami has always been known for Miami Beach and the night life that it offers to locals and tourists alike, yet it hasn’t flourished into a true urban city comparable to the likes of New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. Over the past couple years, Brickell has had a massive influx of renters thanks to the recession. As of 2010, the population of Brickell had 31,759 people, with a population density of 37,622 per square mile, making it one of the densest neighborhoods in the United States, and the densest neighborhood south of New York City. sparked retail spaces to be rented up and new businesses to open.