The Best Places For An Outdoor Workout In & Around Brickell
It’s not necessarily because you don’t want to workout, it’s simply because you want to GET OUT.
Outside, that is.
Most of us spend so much of our day indoors that the very thought of spending another hour inside at the gym getting our sweaty on is downright exasperating.
Luckily, the area around Brickell provides a number of options where you can be outside, breathe some fresh air, and still get a killer workout. Here are the top three places I take my clients (ERA Fitness) around Brickell when they simply don’t want to be inside anymore–and some workouts to knockout in each location.
Museum Park
Museum Park is located just north of the AmericanAirlines Arena and south of the Perez Art Museum in Downtown. It’s right on the water, beautifully landscaped, and has some pieces that can be used for a solid sweat session.
Workout “Equipment” Available at Museum Park
- A long stretch of even grass that is perfect for sprinting.
- Stairs
- Park benches
- A small hill on the south side of the museum.
Suggested Museum Park Workout
A1. Push Ups – As many reps as you can. (On a park bench or the grass.)
A2. Stairs – As many times as you can, up and down in two minutes.
A3. Burpees – 20 repetitions.
Complete A1 – A3 in sequence with no rest in between movements. Rest for two minutes after A3. Repeat this A1 – A3 sequence four times.
B1. Sprints
Bring a stopwatch and map out how far you can sprint (as fast as you can) for 30 seconds. Once you’ve found how far that is, sprint that distance 6 – 14 times with two-minute rests in between. The number of sprints you do will depend on your fitness level.
Alice Wainwright Park
Alice Wainwright Park just about has it all; a water view, a playground for the kids, a basketball court, a place to grill out, and a mini gym. Located just sound of the Miami Avenue off the Rickenbacker Causeway, it’s an easy spot to get to for anyone that lives in Brickell.
Alice Wainwright Park Workout Equipment Available
- Assisted row and push up bars.
- Dip bar & pull up bar.
- Platforms to be used for “box jumps.”
- Ab crunch platform.
- Basketball court.
Alice Wainwright Park Suggested Workout
A1 Pull ups – As many reps as you can. If you can’t do a pull-up, step or jump your way into the top range of the pull-up position and lower yourself down for four seconds.
A2 Push ups – As many reps as you can (on the floor or the assisted push-up/ assisted row bars.)
A3 Squat jumps – As many reps as you can. Squat down to where your thighs are parallel to the floor and then use your arms to propel yourself as high as you can.
Repeat this sequence four times with no rest in between movements. Rest for two minutes after A3.
B1 Row 45-degrees – As many reps as you can. With your palms facing up, choose either the high or the low “assisted row bar” and place your body at a 45-degree angle. Pull your chest to the bar.
B2 Crunches – As many reps as you can. Lock your feet into the bars on the crunch machine, place your hands behind head, and bring your elbows to your knees.
B3 Burpees – 20 reps.
Repeat this sequence four times with no rest in between movements. Rest for two minutes after B3.
Southside Park
This hidden gem goes unnoticed by a vast majority of Brickell dwellers. Seriously, it’s right in everyone’s backyard, and almost no one knows it exists! Shameless plug: You can see my gym, ERA Fitness, located two blocks north.
Southside Park Workout Equipment Available
- Assisted row/pushup bars
- Pull up bar
- Platforms and park benches to be used for “box jumps.”
- Basketball court
Southside Park Suggested Workout
A1 Pull ups – As many reps as you can. If you can’t do a pull-up, step or jump your way into the top range of the pull-up position and lower yourself down four seconds.
A2 Push ups – As many reps as you can on the floor or the Assisted Push up/ assisted row bars.
A3 Squat jumps – As many reps as you can. Squat down to where your thighs are parallel to the floor and then use your arms to propel yourself as high as you can.
Repeat this sequence four times with no rest in between movements. Rest for two minutes after A3.
B1. Row 45-degrees – As many reps as you can. With your palms facing up, choose either the high or the low “assisted row bar” and place your body at a 45-degree angle. Pull your chest to the bar.
B2. Crunches – As many reps as you can. Lock your feet into the bars on the crunch machine, place your hands behind head and bring your elbows to your knees.
B3. “Box jumps” – 20 Reps. Jump on one of the park benches or platforms. Make sure that you are capable and feel confident doing this because if you miss, the bench will show no mercy to your shins!
Repeat this sequence four times with no rest in between movements. Rest for two minutes after B3
If you knock out the workouts above, I can assure you that you will start to burn fat and lean up.Lastly, if you want to really get in shape, give me (Eric Allen) a call over at ERA Fitness (Eric Allen) and we can set up a free 60-minute evaluation to go over your fitness goals and what might be holding you back.