The Baptist Health Brickell Run Club

The Baptist Health Brickell Run Club is the largest weekly free Run Club in the Southeastern United States. For the last seven years, rain or shine, over 300 runners gather every Tuesday at the parking lot of the Fortune International Headquarters (1300 Brickell Avenue) at 7 PM for a run around the Brickell and Downtown Miami areas. Routes cover an average 3.5-mile total distance through the most scenic corridors the city has to offer. The routes change weekly, sometimes ending at a local hotspot for a post-run social. The format of each run is simple: There’s an intro to help people connect, a warm-up, the run, some photos, a post-run stretch, and even a 7-minute core workout. Free water is also provided. Runners of all levels are welcomed and encouraged, but the vibe caters to those looking to build community. All new runners must sign a waiver onsite before participating, but once that’s done, runners are free to sweat and socialize, including on social media via #werunmiami.
Learn more:
Instagram: @brickellrunclub
Phone for more information and sponsorship inquiries: 305-431-8145